Primarily working with Family Offices and certain Institutional Groups, we provide a wide range of bespoke services depending on our clients needs.”

Grand Victoria Venture Capital offer unbiased and unconflicted advice for our clients in any type of transaction. We have superior execution capabilities in cross border transactions by accessing a wide variety of international partners and investors. We lead transactions through our group of talented professionals that work under strict international standards and investment discipline in line with their previous experience in leading global institutions.


We offer buy side and sell side advisory to a limited group of clients


Fund Raising

We support extraordinary entrepreneurs who share our values to make there projects a reality.

Fund Raising

We support extraordinary entrepreneurs who share our values to make there projects a reality.

Impact Fund as a Service

We help a selected group of Institutions and Family Offices to set up there own Impact Investment Fund guiding them every step of the way

Impact Fund as a Service

We help a selected group of Institutions and Family Offices to set up there own Impact Investment Fund guiding them every step of the way


We provide strategic sustainability advisory to like-minded institutions willing to foster positive change


We provide strategic sustainability advisory to like-minded institutions willing to foster positive change
Satisfied Users
Cups of Coffee
Development Hours

Meet Your New Best Friends, Our Gurus.

John Doe
John DoeDeveloper
Redantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa qu ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architectos beatae vitae dicta sunt explicaboemo enimse ets.
Graphic Design 93%
Graphic Design 86%
Jane Doe
Jane DoeDeveloper
Redantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa qu ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architectos beatae vitae dicta sunt explicaboemo enimse ets.
WordPress 96%
Web Design 85%
Jim Doe
Jim DoeDeveloper
Redantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa qu ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architectos beatae vitae dicta sunt explicaboemo enimse ets.
Javascript 95%

We Are Global And Have Helped Clients Worldwide

We Thrive Ourselves On Creativity, Intuition & Determination

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We Are Creative

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We Have Intuition

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We Are Determined

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Let’s shape the future. Together.

Through Creative Ideas, Innovation & Sheer Determination

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